The SPIKE Esports Agency operates in the epicenter of the esports industry. This industry is still evolving and is, compared to the traditional sports industry, far from being matured. Considering the industry’s age, viewers, organizations, and especially gamers, the esports industry is still a young industry that has a lot of room for improvement.

More still needs to be done by all stakeholders to ensure a level playing field for all the teams and players and to set a clear framework of rules, which will serve as an underlying foundation for the whole esports industry.

The SPIKE Esports Agency would like to actively contribute to building a global esports ecosystem. We see our mission in supporting professional gamers when they are dealing with teams and sponsors. Gamers are the key stakeholders of the industry on one side but are also the weaker party when negotiating with teams and sponsors on the other side.

If we want to have a healthy ecosystem, we have to ensure that gamers get a fair share of the pie and that they are not trapped in toxic legal and business relationships that could hinder their careers.

Such a bottom-up approach will, in the long-term, substantially contribute to the solid foundations of the esports industry. The end-game is clear: a transparent, fair, sustainable, and profitable esports ecosystem. And our secret wish: esports at the Olympics!


We fully focus on our clients

Aktivno prispevamo k grajenju trdnih We actively contribute to building solid foundations of an esports ecosystem

We promote transparency, fairness, and openness

We are ambassadors of integrity in every business and legal relationship

We build long-term relationships with our clients

Konsistentno ustvarjamo avtentične, pomenljive zgodbe, ki so vključujoče in se dotaknejo gledalcev na vseh stičnih točkah